I live in Florida.. It’s the type of place you either love or hate. The landscape is flat, trees are palms, wildlife abundant and the sky is huge. I’m fortunate to live right on the beach, so the sound of waves and smell of fresh salt air entice, calm and bring you to a state of bliss. The counter side is: it’s humid, buggy and oppressively hot. If that doesn’t scare you, it can be heaven. It’s tranquil, off the beaten path (where I am) and has a bit of grit for good measure.
Just a little back story…
Florida has always been a place where people come to forget, sometimes they start anew and then there’s the whole retirement contingent that comes for their golden years. I got here on a corporate move 23 years ago from Atlanta thinking I would be here for 18 months or so and then move back to Georgia. Things didn’t work out that way and well, I find myself retired and living a much slower life. I take beach walks, teach yoga and these days quarantined in my perfect view bubble. Florida has always enjoyed a reputation for being slightly off. Afterall, we do have Florida man, who has been known to do outrageous things in typically a drunken or drugged induced stupor that crosses the line from quirky into sheer crazy stunts. We have alligators that appear newsworthy and strut their stuff through subdivisions, golf courses and periodically eat someone’s unattended or unleashed dog. And to give equal opportunity, we have the white supremist retirees in The Villages parading in their golf carts, emblazoned with Trump flags and chants of White Power. Interesting, huh?
We win! We’re the Epicenter !! What’s the prize !
These days we have the distinction of being the country’s epicenter of the Covid pandemic. Quite the feat. Hurray us! I’ve been sequestered since mid-March going out precisely 8 times. Four of which were medical, including two for Covid testing. When I do go out, I’m masked and carrying wipes and hand sanitizer. I even have a trash bag to put the wipes in after use. I have become everyone’s mom, prepared for anything. I’m in the “at risk” category: age and autoimmune compromised. The virus is invisible and it’s terrifying.
Free range Tourists
Being beachside, there was a false sense of security when we were on lock down. The beach was open for exercise only and people treated it as such. I live with a surfer and there is in his mind, no healthier activity than submerging oneself in saltwater repeatedly. We were isolated and doing our part to flatten the curve. Unfortunately, not everyone else is being diligent and caring to contribute to the collective. The beach did open again. The tourists returned and they brought trash, non-distanced gatherings and the Covid went up. People did return to the bars and restaurants, unmasked and congregated like this all never happened. If anything, they were squirrely due to their confinement. The city council saw masks as an inhibitor to businesses and would not pass an ordinance. It was reminiscent of the Mayor in Jaws cheering that “the water’s safe” to save their town for sudden economic doom. We all know how that ended… got to get a bigger boat.
Who’s in Charge?
I’ve been anxious to go outside. I see people gathered without masks. The beach is crowded. I’ve come to the realization that I can only affect me. It seems in an arena like a country, there would be a national outcry and consistency in approach. This is problem solving 101. The onus for policy has gone from Federal denial to State panic down to local municipalities freezing indecision to me. I am the one to make the decision how I am going to survive this pandemic. I do accept the challenge. We are paralyzed and hoping for it to just go away. Guess what? It isn’t
Real people are dying in Florida.. these aren’t numbers, they are real people
We are currently well beyond the placating ‘thoughts and prayers’ stage of this rodeo. People are dying in Florida in record numbers (cite: Dept of Health figures for July 20-29). Our governor holds daily feel good press conferences surrounded with yes-people that rarely address any issues of consequence. I know he must hate waking up and going to work every day. I’m glad he does, but this crisis is more than his political ambitions or core managerial competencies, much more. This is a flash point for all of us. These are unprecedented times, they require extraordinary measures and an electorate (that’s us) that are willing to do what it takes to support eradication. Getting tattoos, drinking in bars and meeting in home parties or restaurants aren’t going to do it. It appears that our pain threshold and quest to go back to normal is stronger than the medicine needed to cure this mess. We’re not fixing it, we’re prolonging it.
I am responsible for me.
We need to do the work together. While you ponder your contribution, I’m going to get some fashion forward masks and continue to stay inside unless absolutely necessary. Afterall, I am responsible for me.