As an American temporarily living outside the country, the thought of celebrating 4th of July is a bit melancholic… I love the 4th.. it’s one of my favorite holidays. It’s the quintessential lazy day. There are no presents required, usually entailing a party and there just might be some BBQ (OK.. maybe fried chicken, fried okra and potato salad) involved. It’s a soft national holiday, perhaps no work and it ends with a full concert (preferably the Boston Pops.. and the 1812 Overture.. it’s the cannons and carillon and when the last cannon goes off) and a brilliant display of fireworks (note: my love is of choreographed fireworks displays, not firecrackers or errant bottle rockets that we all know terrify dogs and hurt returning veterans, be smart…OK?) illuminates the night sky. It is dazzling and it is oh, so American. Fireworks !!! Oh, and everyone in America celebrates it. It’s one of the few holidays we have that are inclusive of our entire citizenry. This year July 4 is a normal weekday in Lisbon.. no red-white-blue bunting, perhaps a picnic, but no patriotic displays. Perhaps that’s perfect punctuation for our country today. America’s in a funk too.. ☹
I’m wondering if this year marks the official start of America’s midlife crisis; that delightful time when you realize that you are not living up to you perceived potential, your life is good but lackluster, your prospects are limited and perhaps your cutest and thinnest years are past (oops, sorry.. that’s me) .. Humm, America… so what did you do..? You bought a seemingly shiny sportscar that you think makes you look cool and rich. The interesting thing about it is you don’t, we’d don’t and it’s time to take a good long look in our societal mirror and make some improvements. Yes.. we, the people…
If the premise is to Make America Great Again… perhaps America needs a bit of a midlife make over: go on a diet, eliminate the bloat, reexamine your values and determine what it is that you want to be when you grow up. We have had an excellent run. It seems like we’re arching on the trendline and starting to decline. As a member of the Boomer generation, I and we all know what this means. Our supposed way of life is compromised, retirement was pending and we’re not as relevant as we think we should be. There’s an interesting thing that happens when you don’t stay hungry, the world starts catching up and in our case, we are being eclipsed. Our way is no longer the preferred way, business and much of manufacturing has morphed into an international digital culture. If you are not current, you are toast. After spending last month in Belgrade, I realized that America needs to get out of her funk. We have not had a war on our soil for centuries (was it the War of 1812?). Our cities have not been bombed, except for Sept 11. Our shores are safe. Instead of celebrating our good fortune, we have become isolated, xenophobic and narrow minded. Oh and I’m finding the world doesn’t care about us as much as we think they do. They care when we act stupid, bully, nation build, nation destroy and subvert their ways. There was a time when most of the world wanted what America had. This is no longer the case, sometimes they see our society as shallow, vapid and completely consumer consumption and work driven. They see and hear that we want a wall put up to keep the Mexicans out (Ask any German about the effects of a walled society). Our problems are big (cite healthcare, new job creation, et al) and symbolic landscaping walls aren’t the start of the remedy. It’s décor, when we need our foundation fixed. We need some serious help and I’m betting on America. We can do this.
The premise of our America is amazing. We’re a patchwork of diversity that sometimes works, sometimes resists and always surprises. We are in desperate need of a middle-aged makeover, NOT gratuitous plastic surgery and certainly not décor. We must do the big work the kind of work that starts with our core values coupled with slow and steady improvement. We all must be rowing in the same direction toward the same goals. This is the kind of work that you must earn, not buy and we must do it together. We are slow, fat and privileged. Saying Make America Great Again is repeating a marketing slogan, it does not even come close to the level of complexity, commitment and work required to regain our world stature. No one is going to give it to us. We, the people must do it.
On this 4th of July, I ask you: Are you willing to do the work?
From Lisbon.. Wishing y’all a wonderful 4th. Enjoy your friends, family, good food and the fireworks displays ! We’re going to have a lot of work to do to turn this sideshow around. I hope you’re up to it.
As Kate Smith used to belt out in the World War II era… God Bless America, my home sweet home.. (yes, this is very dated..but you MUST view it.)